29-30 Jun-2022 (2 day workshop)
TU Braunschweig, Germany
The ThoR final workshop and demo was held in person (and also online) on 29-30 Jun-2022 hosted by EU Coordinator, TU Braunschweig and co-located with the German national project METERACOM workshop (28-Jun-2022). In person visitors were able to see the high speed (2×20 Gbps bidirectional) 300 GHz THz link demo between campus buildings using ThoR hardware, which defines the new state-of-the-art.
A video of this achievement is available.
TUE 28-Jun-2022 METERACOM workshop
WED 29-Jun-2022 ThoR workshop Day 1
THU 30-Jun-2022 ThoR workshop Day 2
These workshops included prestigious invited speakers and detailed presentations from the projects. The ThoR workshop included a live demo of a 300 GHz backhaul link between campus buildings as well as a social event and networking sessions. See link for details.
Day 1: WED 29-Jun-2022
Introduction to ThoR by Coordinators | Prof. Tetsuya Kawanishi, Waseda University |
Development of the ThoR 60 GHz transceiver module | Keitarou Kondou, HRCP R+D Partnership |
Development of THz front-ends based on InGaAs mHEMT devices | Dr.-Ing. Laurenz John, Fraunhofer IAF |
Sub-THz front ends for ubiquitous high data rate | Prof. Claudio Paoloni, Lancaster University |
Industry perspective on THz communication and associated technologies | Frederic Gianesello, ST Microelectronics |
10 Gbps mm-Wave link and combing scheme for utilising THz frequencies | Ran Timar (on behalf of Yigal Leiba) Siklu |
Fixed mm-wave and THz wireless system link performance degradation due to severe weather conditions | Eisaku Sasaki, NEC Corporation |
Presentation and video of ThoR demo | Prof. Shintaro Hisatake on behalf of the ThoR demo team |
Day 2: THU 30-Jun-2022
Technology trends toward Beyond 5G in Japan | Yoshiaki Amano, KDDI R&D Laboratories |
Overview of the assembly and test of front-end modules: ThoR lab demo | Prof. Guillaume Ducournau, University of Lille |
THz phased-array transceivers for Beyond 5G | Prof. Kenichi Okada, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Photonics-based antenna near-field measurement and far-field characterization in the 300 GHz band | Prof. Shintaro Hisatake, Gifu University |
Short-range wireless transmission using a superheterodyne THz link | Dominik Wrana, University of Stuttgart |
Study of terahertz antenna and propagation for Beyond 5G mobile communication | Prof. Akihiko Hirata, Chiba Institute of Technology |
Automatic planning of 300 GHz backhaul links | Bo Kum Jung, TU Braunschweig |
ThoR demo at Deutsche Telekom and future exploitation | Dr. Petr Jurčík, Deutsche Telekom |
Wired and wireless seamless networks for beyond 5G | Prof. Tetsuya Kawanishi, Waseda University |
A perspective for standards and regulation on THz communications | Prof. Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig |