ThoR final workshop and demo

29-30 Jun-2022 (2 day workshop)
TU Braunschweig, Germany

The ThoR final workshop and demo was held in person (and also online) on 29-30 Jun-2022 hosted by EU Coordinator, TU Braunschweig and co-located with the German national project METERACOM workshop (28-Jun-2022). In person visitors were able to see the high speed (2×20 Gbps bidirectional) 300 GHz THz link demo between campus buildings using ThoR hardware, which defines the new state-of-the-art.

A video of this achievement is available.

Workshop agenda

TUE 28-Jun-2022 METERACOM workshop
WED 29-Jun-2022 ThoR workshop Day 1
THU 30-Jun-2022 ThoR workshop Day 2

These workshops included prestigious invited speakers and detailed presentations from the projects. The ThoR workshop included a live demo of a 300 GHz backhaul link between campus buildings as well as a social event and networking sessions. See link for details.


Day 1: WED 29-Jun-2022

Introduction to ThoR by Coordinators Prof. Tetsuya Kawanishi, Waseda University
Development of the ThoR 60 GHz transceiver module Keitarou Kondou, HRCP R+D Partnership
Development of THz front-ends based on InGaAs mHEMT devices Dr.-Ing. Laurenz John, Fraunhofer IAF
Sub-THz front ends for ubiquitous high data rate Prof. Claudio Paoloni, Lancaster University
Industry perspective on THz communication and associated technologies Frederic Gianesello, ST Microelectronics
10 Gbps mm-Wave link and combing scheme for utilising THz frequencies Ran Timar (on behalf of Yigal Leiba) Siklu
Fixed mm-wave and THz wireless system link performance degradation due to severe weather conditions Eisaku Sasaki, NEC Corporation
Presentation and video of ThoR demo Prof. Shintaro Hisatake on behalf of the ThoR demo team

Day 2: THU 30-Jun-2022

Technology trends toward Beyond 5G in Japan Yoshiaki Amano, KDDI R&D Laboratories
Overview of the assembly and test of front-end modules: ThoR lab demo Prof. Guillaume Ducournau, University of Lille
THz phased-array transceivers for Beyond 5G Prof. Kenichi Okada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Photonics-based antenna near-field measurement and far-field characterization in the 300 GHz band Prof. Shintaro Hisatake, Gifu University
Short-range wireless transmission using a superheterodyne THz link Dominik Wrana, University of Stuttgart
Study of terahertz antenna and propagation for Beyond 5G mobile communication Prof. Akihiko Hirata, Chiba Institute of Technology
Automatic planning of 300 GHz backhaul links Bo Kum Jung, TU Braunschweig
ThoR demo at Deutsche Telekom and future exploitation Dr. Petr Jurčík, Deutsche Telekom
Wired and wireless seamless networks for beyond 5G Prof. Tetsuya Kawanishi, Waseda University
A perspective for standards and regulation on THz communications Prof. Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig