ThoR: TeraHertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra high data Rate applications
ThoR is a joint EU-Japan project to provide technical solutions for the data networks beyond 5G based on 300 GHz RF wireless links.
The ThoR project finished on 30-Jun-2022 with a successful demo of a 2 x 20 Gbps bidirectional 300 GHz link over 160 m, setting the new state-of-the-art.
Video of the hardware demonstration
Video of the ThoR simulation demo
Slides from final ThoR workshop
Project closing press release:
English German Japanese.
Other project results, including all public deliverables, journal and conference papers. may be found on the:
Project abstract
Data traffic densities of several Tbps/km2 are already predicted for 5G networks. To service a fully mobile and connected society networks beyond 5G (B5G) must undergo tremendous growth in connectivity, data traffic density and volume as well as the required multi-level ultra-densification. The ThoR project will provide technical solutions for the backhauling and fronthauling of this traffic at the novel spectrum range near 300 GHz, which is able to cover the data rates of 200+ Gbps required for B5G systems.

Fibre optic networks cannot provide connections to the hugely increased number of nodes due to the prohibitive costs associated with excavation and installation of accessing/installing cable and fibre-based backhaul/fronthaul infrastructure. Therefore, the use of currently unused spectrum for wireless links operating at disruptive bandwidths of 70 GHz, will be a critical key enabler for the introduction of B5G networks. ThoR will make this happen by demonstrating that such a solution is technically possible and by actively supporting the corresponding spectrum identification for land mobile and fixed services at the World Radio Conference (WRC) 2019.
Outputs from the project will be posted on the Results pages, including public deliverables, links to conference and journal papers and background technical information.