
B5G Cluster – Networking Beyond 5G Horizon 2020 projects
Six projects were funded in the H2020 call ICT-09-2017 “Networking research beyond 5G.” These projects formed a cluster to work together to share and disseminate information among themselves and to a wider audience. ThoR is one of several more recent projects which have joined the Cluster since the topics are closely aligned.

6G Flagship – The Finnish 6G Flagship is a vigorous research and co-creation ecosystem for 5G adoption and 6G innovation led by the University of Oulu and appointed by the Academy of Finland, a governmental funding agency for high-quality scientific research. The total budget for the 8-year Flagship program is 251M€. The overarching goals of 6G Flagship are to support industry in finalization of 5G, develop the fundamental technology needed to enable 6G and to speed up digitalization in society.

Car2TERA – Terahertz sensors and networks for next generation smart automotive electronic systems
Horizon 2020 project (01-Jan-2019 to 31-Mar-2022)
The objective of Car2TERA is to develop emerging sub-THz (150-330 GHz) smart electronic systems based on latest semiconductor, microsystem and nanoelectronics technologies, and to implement TRL-4 demonstrators in two high-potential application scenarios.
Car2TERA joined the B5G Cluster in Jan-2020!

METERACOM – MEtrology for TERAhertz COMmunication
German Research Foundation project (FOR 2863) 
The capability to performing measurements and evaluating these measurements in a proper way are crucial for the advance of THz communication systems. However, metrology at THz frequencies is still in its infancy and currently only covers detector calibration to characterization of ultrafast devices and to measurement uncertainty analysis of different spectrometer types available at THz frequencies. Meteracom addresses the grand challenge of metrology in THz communication measurements.

TERAPOD – Terahertz-based ultra-high bandwidth wireless access networks
Horizon 2020 project (01-Sep-2017 to 31-Aug-2020)
TERAPOD will investigate and demonstrate the feasibility of ultra-high bandwidth wireless access networks operating in the terahertz band. The project will focus on end-to-end demonstration of the THz wireless link within a data centre in a proof of concept deployment, while also investigating other use cases applicable to beyond 5G such as wireless personal area networks, wireless local area networks and high bandwidth broadcasting.
TERAPOD was one of the founders of the B5G Cluster.
TU Braunschweig and Vivid are also partners in TERAPOD.

IEEE 802.15 WPAN™– key THz standards development organisation
Task Group 3d 100 Gbit/s Wireless (TG 3d (100G)) includes the Terahertz Interest Group (IGthz)
Thomas Kürner (TUBS) chairs both groups.

COST Action CA15104
The Inclusive Radio Communications (IRACON) concept defines those technologies aimed to support wireless connectivity at any rates, for any communicating units, and in any type of scenarios.
TU Braunschweig is a member of IRACON.

NGMN Alliance
NGMN was founded by leading international mobile network operators in 2006
as an industry organisation to provide a platform for innovation to “ensure that functionality and performance of next generation mobile network infrastructure, service platforms and devices will meet the requirements of operators and, ultimately, will satisfy end user demand and expectations.”
The vision of the NGMN Alliance is to expand the communications experience by providing a truly integrated and cohesively managed delivery platform that brings affordable mobile broadband services to the end user with a particular focus on 5G while accelerating the development of LTE-Advanced and its ecosystem.
Deutsche Telekom is a memberof NGMN, and TU Braunschweig is an advisor.