Automatic Planning Algorithms for 300 GHz Wireless Backhaul Links
B. K. Jung and T. Kürner
IEICE Transactions on Communications E105.B 685-693 (2022). [Gold link]
Sensitivity Analysis of a 280-312 GHz Superheterodyne Terahertz Link Targeting IEEE802.15.3d Applications
Dominik Wrana; Laurenz John; Benjamin Schoch; Sandrine Wagner; Ingmar Kallfass
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 12, 325-333 (2022).
Green link
Modular Link Level Simulator for the Physical Layer of Beyond 5G Wireless Communication Systems
Christoph Herold, Bo Kum Jung, Nils Dreyer and Thomas Kürner
Radio Science 57, e2021RS007395 (2022). [Gold link]
Short-Range Wireless Transmission in the 300 GHz Band Using Low-Profile Wavelength-Scaled Dielectric Cuboid Antennas
Kazuki Yamada, Yuto Samura, Oleg V. Minin, Atsushi Kanno, Norihiko Sekine, Junichi Nakajima, Igor V. Minin and Shintaro Hisatake
Frontiers in Communications and Networks 2 (2021). [Gold link]
Performance Analysis of 300 GHz Backhaul Links Using Historic Weather Data
Thomas Kuerner and Bo Kum Yung
Advances in Radio Science 19, 153–163 (2021) [Gold link]
Photonics-Based Near-Field Measurement and Far-Field Characterization for 300-GHz Band Antenna Testing
Yusuke Tanaka, Guillaume Ducournau, Cybelle Belem-Goncalves, Frederic Gianesello, Cyril Luxey, Issei Watanabe, Akihiko Hirata, Norihiko Sekine, Akifumi Kasamatsu, and Shintaro Hisatake
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3, 24-31 (2021). [Gold link]
Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Fixed Wireless Link Budget Evaluation for Extreme Weather Conditions
Zu-Kai Weng; Atsushi Kanno; Pham Tien Dat; Keizo Inagaki; Kosuke Tanabe; Eisaku Sasaki; Thomas Kürner; Bo Kum Jung; Tetsuya Kawanishi
IEEE Access 9, p. 63476-163491 (2021) [Gold link]
Terahertz and Photonics Seamless Short‐Distance Links for Future Mobile Networks [Invited]
T. Kawanishi, K. Inagaki, A. Kanno, N. Yamamoto, T. Aiba, H. Yasuda, T. Wakabayashi
Radio Science 56, p. e2020RS007156 (2021).
Green link
A superheterodyne 300 GHz wireless link for ultra-fast terahertz communication systems
Dan, I., Ducournau, G., Hisatake, S., Szriftgiser, P., Braun, R., & Kallfass, I. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 1-10 (2020) [Gold link]
Winner of IJMWT Best Paper Award 2020!
Broadband 300-GHz Power Amplifier MMICs in InGaAs mHEMT Technology
L. John, A. Tessmann, A. Leuther, P. Neininger, T. Merkle and T. Zwick
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 10, p. 309-320 (2020) [Gold link]
Winner of T-TST Best Paper Award 2022!
A Terahertz Wireless Communication Link Using a Superheterodyne Approach
Iulia Dan ; Guillaume Ducournau ; Shintaro Hisatake ; Pascal Szriftgiser ; Ralf-Peter Braun ; Ingmar Kallfass
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 10, p. 32-43 (2020)
Green link
IRACON propagation measurements and channel models for 5G and beyond
Sana Salous, Fredrik Tufvesson, Kenan Turbic, Luis M. Correia, Thomas Kürner, Diego Dupleich, Christian Schneider, Daniel Czaniera, Belen Montenegro Villacieros
ICT Discoveries 2, Special Issue 1 (2019). [Gold link]